Solving Timezone issues

Now business and transactions happen across the globe. Thanks to Globalization.

In my previous organization when I was in Inside Sales, I used to have more than five meetings a day with clients across the globe. Everything was e-meeting and web-conferencing.

For example, when I have a client from PST time zone asking for a call at 10 AM PST.

First thing I do is Google my corresponding IST time.

This gets complex, say if I had another meeting at 11:30 PM. I will write an email to the client asking for another time slot, and this goes on for a few conversations.

The worst part is that few clients get frustrated in this process of confirming time slots. Eventually we end up not fixing meeting at all.

Meetaide automatically detects the client’s time zone and let’s my client to pick a slot right away instead of to and fro conversations.

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